Thursday, August 13, 2015



The first time that I wrote a letter was to my father in early 90’s .It was more writing exercise to improve on writing. Mother corrected and attached to the same letter which she wrote explaining the difficulties of being alone in Sri Lanka. Then of course my grandmother attached another piece of writing explain her difficulties living with her daughter in law who was my mother.
That was a common Sri Lankan phenomena specially those who marries in 70‘s. My family also no any different. The funny thing was my father did not read either his mother or wife, but he did reply me happily. Actually he needed me as a mediator where he found difficulties of communication. Sometimes my father was sending letters with illustrations of his long traveling in jungles, meeting different people. Sometimes he sent me photographs showing a PNG tribal woman breast feeding a piglet.

 This photo was reason make peace among my mother  and grandmother they  together wrote a letter advising this kind of pictures are not suitable for my age and it will distract me.Of course it did, but I don’t look at the same way .Now I think that woman has a big heart to do such thing. Caring a piglet equally as her own children. Most of us really don t understand that kind of care and share.

Eventually I was good at writing letters my father got really upset if I did not write him at least 3-4 letters per month .Also he was replying with lengthy letters .I wrote all the kings and cabbage and my father got very amused by reading all of them. It was a time that we never get access to Emails or even international direct dials. Writing letters were main way of communication. Actually Ingiriya where I grew up there was only few telephones to the whole area. The post office one most of the time out of order. In Sri Lanka most of us got access to telephone was in early millennium. The Sri Lanka telecom came our door step and offered telephones in different packages. Al most everyone got fixed their land phones. Even the neighbors started calling for trivial matters.
But still I did write letters to my father; In my secondary school all the class mates started collecting postal stamps. I became an esteemed member of the club,           I started all the relations who were living out of this Island, Some replies even though some of them dii not replied as the way I expected they sent me stamps. Also during this time somehow I got know a pen friend Russia, He also sent me letters with nice Russian Stamps.
Unfortunately we both lost our contacts long before the face book started. But still I have his address, I tried to contact him even through face book but not clue at all.
As a teenager I did not write my father very much. I guess I was bored with writing same thing or might as well I had other things to spend time. Then of course I wanted to become a writer, I sent letters almost every newspaper during my AL  class. I was dreaming to be a journalist, but my mother insisted me to find some other useful profession she never encouraged me to become writer or journalist. Ended up become an Architect as well failed writer I realized that we don’t get everything we want life. Now of I have not posted a letter for ages. But I do E mails. My father also converted in to very Skype person than letter reading. Actually skype my father‘s best friend in his last couple of years. Well he did not get any chance of using viber or what s up, I’m unable imagine what kind of reaction would it be.
Recently I wrote series of letter to Sri Lankan Institute of architects as a result of my assignments; actually it was a file of letter for professional correspondence. My previous letter writing experience did not valid at this time, even my mother unable to corrected any of it, She told me those are beyond he awarenss.Actually  it was some my Indian architect friends helped me.Anyway I got good marks on all.
Of course I forgot to tell experience of writing love letters. Of course I did write, but responses were terrible, any of them were not read by the appropriate person. May be I did not address to the correct person.
All this are my personal experiences but As Sri Lankan since yesterday we have a latter which has made shocked   the entire country .This letter was written by current president to the former president. It’s not anymore a personal letter or diplomatic letter. As soon as the letter was sent to the former president the copies of the letter was freely available at all the social Medias. Even before ex-president read his letter I guess so It‘s long letter, ex-president is very busy with upcoming election .I did not think this letter intended to read by Ex-president and reply by him. It was meant to be read by us before the election if we have already decided to vote for ex-president.
The most sarcastic thing is of this letter that present president has proposed series of names as prospective prime ministers considering their seniority. But my understanding it one of them will become a prime minister of next that will be the most disastrous thing I would ever imagine. They are all crooked and corrupted equally.
But Current president clearly mentioned that upcoming election will be defeated former president and he has to take his responsibility of losing the election. The president MY3 playing very smart game writing this letter at this stage where ex- president MR does not have time or capacity by replying this before the election.
But certain facts  has to agreed, after losing the presidential election MR started attending  every single temple in Sri Lanka,not that wanted to have attain Nibbahana ,Just to deliver the vengeance among people. Well it did not successful as before this time.
The other important thing in MY3 s letter is he describes the danger of highlighting SLPA as a Sinhalese Buddhist political party by MR. After the loss of presidential election MR repeatedly said   the cause is minority such as Muslims  or Tamils did not vote him which is true, but there were reasons why did not they vote. Even after election he did not try win them back, that s what he should do if he was planning to a fresh start.
As per my understanding if he had single chance to win people back that were only the time that they were selecting candidates before given the nominations. Without interfering the selection of candidates he should have let MY3 to select the list. Then MY3 had a chance to eliminate those who charged massive corruption. At least then the party had a chance to gain the trust under the leadership of MY3.
Fortunately or unfortunately SLPA unable to win trust of the majority at the moment under MR. Through his letter MY3 has assured his irresponsibly of losing the election. It’s very ex-president MR is facing the descending popularity as a politician. By using all his influences he was able to get nearly 5.8 million votes on previous election, but after seven months from that day I could hardly imagine they can reach over 4 millions. Now it’s only matter of time or unless some miracle which will turn this back.